Friday, July 29, 2005


I had intended to get in at least 9 holes today, but I took a nap and my partner left without me. I ended up going to the driving range and hitting off the grass. Smacked a large bucket.

Spent most of my time with SW-8 iron. I did pretty good out there... not the greatest ball striking day, but not the worst either.

My lessons are helping. I worked a lot on chipping and pitching. Had the feel of it after a bit. I just need to keep at the short game. My driver was so so... I hit maybe 10 balls with it.

I spent a while with my 19° FW wood. Man was I hitting that well. I was trying to tag the ball sweeper at about 200+ yards. Nearly hit him quite a few times ;-). That was fun. I just felt like direction and distance was great with that club. I putted for 8 minutes and then headed home.

I'm off to the course in the morning... a bunch of hackers from church and some of the regulars will be there for a scramble or a best ball thing. Should be fun.