Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Another Home

18 Friday is officially (or unofficially) moving to a new location. I'm going to keep this blogger page up but will be using the other address for a while (perhaps indefinitely, who knows).

Thanks for hanging with me... see you at the new home for 18 Friday.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Important Equipment Addition

Gopher driver headcover.

Monday, January 09, 2006


I've been experimenting with an ever so subtle change that feels big. I tend to get the club stuck behind me on the back-swing. I think very often my swing was doomed before I ever started the down-swing because I was routing the club behind me too far.

Quite simply, I'm keeping the club more on plane, in keeping with Hogan's (plane of glass) philosophy. It feels weird because its new, but I feel unrestricted and can get back to the ball so easily. I love it when I find stuff like that... or finally realize it for my own game.

Now if it would only stop raining for a week. We've had something like 23 days in a row of rain. Not golf friendly.